twenty-seven turns
around and around the sun
the moon smiles as well
These twenty-seven years have taken me places...
I could have never dreamed of.
Just today... I realized that the Santa Rosa design came through
the day after Pi Day.
The day after the golden mean.
It took me 27 years to make that connection!
All these years have created all sorts of connections around the world,
paths weaving in and out of time and place. And, people
continue to share their photos of the Santa Rosa Labyrinths they have made.
Their beauty and intention ripple outward...
Here are a few to share with you on this birthday that spun from my heart,
my fingers, and my curiosity
all these many years ago
of bending and turning,
of collaboration and sharing,
sparking creativity
in so many forms...
The first four photos are from Peter Clark from the UK. One drawn at the seaside. One painted in a prison.
The second set of four photos are from Ange Virgona, Australia. The first three, set in stone. The last mowed in a lawn.
And here in my backyard...
as changes continue to unfold,
as this labyrinth has been witness to all of these years...
Fruit trees now are being added,
micro-clover soon to be planted,
daffodils bugle the coming of spring on this 15th of March.
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