St. Jude chaplet in the heart-space of the Santa Rosa Labyrinth
OCTOBER 28, 2020
When I was seventeen, this St. Jude medallion was given to me by a dear high school friend soon after my father’s firefighting accident that left him a paraplegic. That November tragedy disintegrated my family unit with a single blow. Somehow… St. Jude has managed to stick by me all these years and this past summer I created this chaplet for him with nine-million-year-old Connemara beads and a jade Tibetan knot at the other end.
St. Jude is who you petition when you are faced with impossible circumstances. This beloved kin of Christ and Mary, who is also known as the Green Man, holds great mystery and assistance in making the impossible, possible. My recent Novena to him was in asking for help in holding the internal tension of opposites that I’ve been grappling with. And to help us all navigate the opposites in the world that we face. My list is long, as is probably yours…
On day five of the Novena, the middle day, I received some news that greatly diminished my internal tensions. I was also reminded… that twenty-years ago when completing my dissertation that I was also given a means of navigating opposites and finding the way through them to discover what really matters to my heart. I went back to what I had written then and share it with you here now.
I hope it is of help to you today and in the days to come.
-Short Version-
The Labyrinth Process: What Matters To Your Heart
When you have only a small amount of time…
-Long Version-
The Labyrinth Process: What Matters To Your Heart?
When you have some time to explore these opposites in more depth using the Santa Rosa design or any other labyrinth you have access to.
Materials Needed:
The Seven-Steps: What do you want to explore? Or, what problem are you dealing with? Almost anything that comes to mind has an opposite. Take one side and begin.
To learn, or remember, how to pray the Rosary (non-denominational) please visit:
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