A Door in Time
MARCH 11, 2008
**_One step,_**
**_This threshold crossed..._**
**_this place of opening_**
**_into memories_**
**_long forgotten,_**
**_brushed away with time,_**
**_the key_**
**_lost in folds of lush silk,_**
**_pressed deeply_**
**_into my heart_**
**_where I listen for footsteps_**
**_and remember..._**
**_Finding the_**
**_place of opening_**
**_I step through_**
**_and time no longer matters,_**
**_only the beat of desire_**
**_coming to life_**
**_in the cradle of the midnight sky,_**
**_as the sun marks,_**
**_over and over,_**
**_these passages in time taken,_**
**_finding the heart's desire_**
**_in this moment of_**
**_opening a door long closed..._**
Photo: A door in the village of Lacoste. A tumble of stone and wood being reborn beneath the shadow of the ruins of the castle of the Marquis de Sade, Provence, France, October 2007.
For other keys to other doors, please visit our hosts, [Elizabeth of "The House in Marrakesh" and Frank of "My Paint Box."](http://frankgardner.blogspot.com/2008/03/puertas-doors.html)