it is raining
and my garden is wild
and wet,
moist and succulent
and full of the possibilities
of unabashed beauty
to be found beneath and atop leaves,
rocks, blossoms, or…
in each diamond of water
that cascades down upon me.
No coat, no umbrella,
but turning myself over to the elements
and feeling the chill down my spine
to the soles of my feet
stepping into puddles
and slipping on wet stone…
I breathe in the clean air
and fill my lungs
and pray for those who cannot.
I move my body
in sinuous back and forth movements
across my labyrinth
and find the path unknown…
and pray for those who also,
have no view of what lies ahead.
I feel the stillness,
the quiet of a city gone silent
that takes me to the hills of my youth
beneath massive oaks that are no more…
burned in the firestorms that swept away all that I’ve known,
like this pandemic
that sears the lungs of anyone
at random.
I pray for them too.
I pray for us all
as we launch out into space,
into silence,
into the cells of our being
that know the ways of the heart…
for the way home.
Lea Goode-Harris
New Moon in Aries 3.24.2020