nestled in my palm
a delight to watch them grow
green gems of this earth
Growing veggies and flowers in my garden this summer
feeds me on so many levels.
There is a lot of anger and hate being spewed everywhere
at the changes that are happening so quickly now around us.
It seems so much easier to project our internal upset
onto others and blame them
for what is wrong with the world.
The cost of doing so to our soul and well-being, however,
is unimaginable.
When this happens to me, outside of me or inside of me,
all I have to do is go to the garden.
The earth gives of her bounty so freely.
She begs me to slow down
and listen.
When I do…
I hear the beat of her heart
in mine.
For more Friday haiku my heart
please visit Rebecca and other poets
at recuerda mi corazon