I arrived to find that the end-cap had been removed.
Next to come off was the cap-stone molding
and then the side straps of wood that were holding the two forms together that surround the concrete obelisk.
You can read about our first visit- [HERE](https://leagoodeharris.com/blog/2019/5/9/alex-champions-rock-hexagonal-earth-work). Our second visit- [HERE](https://leagoodeharris.com/blog/2019/5/3/alex-champions-hexagonal-rock-earthwork-with-6-obelisks-second-visit). Our third visit- [HERE](https://leagoodeharris.com/blog/2019/5/14/alex-champions-hexagonal-rock-earthwork-with-6-obelisks-third-visit). Our fourth visit- [HERE](https://leagoodeharris.com/blog/2019/5/26/alex-champions-hexagonal-rock-earthwork-with-6-obelisks-fourth-visit). Our fifth visit- [HERE](https://leagoodeharris.com/blog/2019/7/10/alex-champions-hexagonal-rock-earthwork-with-6-obelisks-fifth-visit). Our sixth visit- [HERE](https://leagoodeharris.com/blog/2019/6/23/alex-champions-hexagonal-rock-earthwork-with-6-obelisks-sixth-visit). Our seventh visit [HERE](https://leagoodeharris.com/blog/2019/7/11/alex-champions-hexagonal-rock-earthwork-with-6-obelisks-seventh-visit). Our eighth & ninth visit [HERE](https://leagoodeharris.com/blog/2019/7/16/alex-champions-hexagonal-rock-earthwork-with-6-obelisks-eighth-amp-ninth-visit). Our tenth to sixteenth visit [HERE](https://leagoodeharris.com/blog/2019/8/22/alex-champions-hexagonal-rock-earthwork-with-6-obelisks-10th-to-16th-visit). And the final photos and dedication [HERE](https://creativelabyrinths.com/blog/2019/9/11/alex-champions-hexagonal-rock-earthwork-with-6-obelisks).
As I mentioned in the previous post, each obelisk weighs 900 pounds and is six-feet in length. So turning it was quite a feat!
But turn them they did! One of my favorite parts was when the cap-stone was revealed…
The concrete will be patched, sanded, and then painted, but at the moment… I love how this looks. Ancient. Weathered. As if it had been there for centuries…
Then the side molds were peeled away to reveal this incredible piece of engineering… The first obelisk!
Alex is pleased with it and he is looking forward to the pouring of the remaining five obelisks. There is still quite a ways to go with the digging out and creating of the six mounds as well as the central mound. But for now, the first obelisk has been revealed and points the way for more to come.
And the prepping and sanding begins for the second one, with Shiloh the dog, supervising…