I step
into the dark
of the new moon…
closes around me,
sound escapes me,
and then…
all I feel is the beat
of the heart
of the Mother deep within me.
No small pill
here, no root, flower, or stem
but the echo of a promise
that cracks the heart wide open.
Raven calls,
bison rumble as
turtle slowly circumambulates
around and around
and all I can do is breathe…
bead after bead,
marks the terrain of my body
like a road map
outlining this marriage
of above and below
that stirs in my belly,
even now,
caught in the illusion of time,
again, and again.
I offer this.
And let go.
I offer this, my life,
and let go.
The stars sing this song
and slip into showers
of light
that touch this earth,
this body,
this spirt of joy
that moves
even now in ways
yet unknown.
I step
into the dark
of the new moon.
Lea Goode-Harris
July 19, 2020
New Moon in Cancer