A Friend's Passing...
APRIL 3, 2008
_Holding on..._
_Life so fragile..._
_Yet so tenacious and strong..._
_How could it be_
_that you were just here,_
_feasting and sharing friendship,_
_celebrating your heart's love,_
_as we gathered_
_with laughter,_
_cherishing each other_
_and the stories we share..._
_Seventy years of footsteps,_
_last night_
_you crossed a threshold_
_that we can not yet follow..._
_Your smile_
_and sweet hug_
_still wrap around my shoulders_
_leaving an ache in my heart,_
_in the space where I grew to love you..._
My dear friend Dr. J, lost her sweetheart and partner last night. Some of you know Dr. J personally, and some of you have come to know her through our de-cluttering enterprises that we've been helping each other with. Please hold her and Joe's family in your thoughts, sending them your love. Joe and Dr. J found each other later in life... and shared a very deep and loving relationship. My life has been so enriched in getting to know Joe and his amazing outlook on seeing the positive in life, and making every breath of life, have meaning...
Photo: Newly planted pea vines growing in our garden...