A New Look To My Blog Page!
FEBRUARY 25, 2015
I just read a quote that had this to say about the word "Lent."
_Br. David writes in a recent article “Lent is an ancient word for springtime; it designates a season of burgeoning inner and outer life. Too often Lent has been misunderstood as a time of grim repentance, but it is meant to be a time of joy, the joy of a fresh start, the joy that greening meadows and blossoming trees proclaim each spring.”_
(from [Gratefulness.org](http://www.gratefulness.org/index.htm))
As I too strive to move in my life from a place of seasons,
my blog page has undergone a fresh new start with the help of the wonderfully creative
[Fix8media](http://fix8media.com/) website design team of Josh & Susie Neimark.
Here is a peek at this beautiful new page!
Thumbnail photos will allow you to easily choose a blog post. There is also a nifty search button on the top right hand corner for you to access the archives and find past posts on labyrinths, travels, my art work, etc.
If you haven't already subscribed in the past to my blog posts, you can now do so in the sign-up box also in the upper right corner. I will be using mailchimp to send out a once a week announcement of posts. I am excited to share upcoming news, events and tales with the intent of sparking your own creativity and bringing an awareness to the beauty that surrounds us all.
If you are subscribed already to Labyrinth Tales, you will receive this post in the old format announcement and then starting on February 28th, you will receive your first mailchimp mailing with links to my posts. Unless I have something really exciting to share, this means that you only get one email from me a week! And, these posts will make it easy to forward to anyone else that you think might enjoy my tales from this amazing labyrinth of life.
You can [click HERE](http://www.labyrinthtales.com/labyrinth-tales) to view my new blog page
and sign up for my blog posts!
Thank you for sharing in my creative endeavors!