A Spiral Garden
APRIL 6, 2008
The California spring weather has kept me from my computer... and out into the garden...
I planted our vegetable garden in a new area, having composted and turned the soil, after eliminating the bits of remaining lawn... and found that our new garden was just too flat...
So I took a sojourn to the Russian River that winds through the Alexander Valley in search of rocks to make a spiral mound...
This river is the place where I spent, just a little further down stream, every day of my summer youth...
I had the most wonderful chauffeur and guide to the best accessible place for rocks... None other than my father!
He was quite tickled at my simple pleasure of having a pile of rocks...
and used approximately 39 of them for the almost four-foot spiral, not counting the side beds that I am still creating...
I removed all the vegetables that I planted the other day and laid the ground circle,
filling it with a mixture of planting mix and compost,
With a drip line up through the middle... I then began adding more soil and winding the rocks upwards, creating a spiral and place for the little plants to grow...
Notice that I removed one of the rocks from the outer ring to open up the spiral to the rest of the garden space...
I then placed the plants, and have even more room to add a few more herbs and vegetables...
A cow came to graze the thyme and oregano...
and my flat garden has now transformed into a spiral of wonder and edible delights!!!
Please let me know if you make a spiral garden... For you can make them out of rocks, or bricks, or rocks and bricks, and any other combination that your imagination might come up with!!!