August Full Moon... A Shelley Flow Blue Day
AUGUST 27, 2007
I have a friend...
she lives in flow blue...
and her name Shelley resides in my heart,
and in the place she calls home...
Beauty resides there with her...
reflected everywhere you turn...
courage is the lion
who laps up sunshine
in the nooks and cranny's of Shelley's home...
Where treasures peek from every corner...
and line the shelves with pure delight...
and flow, flow blue...
while friends dear...
gather to tell flow blue stories...
sharing in friendship and conversation
and the love of Shelley's husband and children...
and the heart of Shelley,
so big, so there, so beautiful...
Oh Shelley,
that I could sprout wings
and fly as often as possible...
to the home you and your husband have made...
for Shelley...
you hold the keys to our hearts...
and the world is the all the more precious,
knowing friendship
and connection with you...
Thank you, oh thank you, for the gift
and beauty of you Shelley!!!
All my love to you dear Shelley
on this Full Moon and forever... Lea~
For more views of our August visits with Shelley, please visit, [Corey](, [Annie](, [Ulla](, [Nicol]( & [AnnieElf]( on this August Harvest Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse!!!!