#89 ~ Dance ~ Sunday Scribbles
DECEMBER 14, 2007
_Where are the words_
_for this movement in all directions…_
_I cross this threshold_
_and touch that which has been forbidden,_
_Within this sacred circle_
_I step into my numinous self,_
_into this mystery unfolding_
_and lay down my sword,_
_my warrior self,_
_my goddess self,_
_I lay down all my masks…_
_With one eye inward_
_and one eye outward_
_I see my face in your face_
_my hands in your hands_
_I dance the vast space around us_
_and in us,_
_this mystery unknowable_
_the darkness of our light,_
_this story that whispers in the cracks_
_of the wooden floor, the sky beneath our feet_
_opening to the earth of our bodies,_
_to the small and precious, ever growing place of becoming…_
From my dance practice with [Soul Motion and Body Prayer](http://www.transformativedance.com/)
Photo: Candle in the heart space of our labyrinth
© For [Sunday Scribbles #89 ~ Dance](http://sundayscribblings.blogspot.com/2007/12/89-dance.html)