Dia de los Muertos
NOVEMBER 2, 2008
_Granddad, Grandma Fern, Nonna, Grandma Marge, Granny, Dorothy, Lorna, Kliban, Tim, Ruthy, Judy, Marty, Michelle, Maggie, Harry and many other friends and family who dance with us from the other side..._
For more Dia de Bloglandia postings... visit the inspiration for this post by Stephanie of [Rodrigvitz Style](https://rodrigvitzstyle.typepad.com/rodrigvitz_style/2008/11/dia-de-bloglandialets-get-it-started.html) and Susanna of [Sussana's Sketchbook](http://susannassketchbook.typepad.com/susannas_sketchbook/2008/11/november-2-2008.html).