Eighth Holy Night 2007-2008 ~ Gathering & Spreading
JANUARY 1, 2008
_This new year,_
_these new moments_
_where all possibilities gather_
_filling the heart_
_like stars in the sky_
_spreading forth_
_into the universe for us to drink_
_and fill our soul_
_in the quiet moments_
_found in opening_
_to life,_
_in the space between_
_breathing in,_
_and breathing out,_
_gathering in,_
_and spreading forth,_
_this beauty of being,_
_these new minutes_
**[Eighth Holy Night of Inner Christmas](http://www.innerchristmas.com/078.html)**
with Lynn Jericho
**[Lynn's Blog on the Twelve Holy Nights of Inner Christmas](http://www.innerchristmas.libsyn.com/)**