Epiphany ~ of the Twelve Holy Nights 2007-2008
JANUARY 6, 2008
Lotus blossom blooms...
outside, the rain and wind howl...
one ripple ignites...
Today is Epiphany... the thirteenth day that follows the twelve holy nights... it is a day of reflection, insight, and gratitude ignited by contemplating the preceding days...
I am grateful to Lynn Jericho for creating these exercises for the Twelve Holy Nights of Inner Christmas... and thank you for joining me in these contemplations!
**[A Closing Note & Epiphany of the Twelve Holy Nights](http://www.innerchristmas.com/0713.html)**
with Lynn Jericho
**[Lynn's Blog on the Twelve Holy Nights of Inner Christmas](http://www.innerchristmas.libsyn.com/)**