February New Moon
FEBRUARY 5, 2011
Have you seen that delicious slice
of this February's New Moon?
Such a glimmering
silver sliver
of new beauty...
I found this poem the other day,
one that I wrote almost exactly two years ago
and on the blog page of my website...
until now...
So perfect...
how did I know???
**February New Moon**
_This dark moon,_
_all things possible,_
_all things growing, bursting_
_with new potential..._
_I find you in each turn,_
_each quadrant greeting me_
_with an open heart,_
_filling me with golden sunlight_
_as I slow down and breathe in_
_such beauty..._
_from the center place..._
February 24, 2009
Pictures and my breathing from the center place
this February 5, 2011...