JULY 21, 2012
When I posted yesterday…
I had no idea of the tragedy that had occurred
only hours before in Aurora, Colorado.
I only found out late last night,
sitting on the front porch of my neighbors after a beautiful day,
and was struck at how realities can be so different,
and how connected we all are now with the internet
and the immediate onslaught of news,
both good and bad.
So this morning,
before reading my email,
picking up the paper, or turning on the news…
I created this offering in the heart-space of my labyrinth…
this is for you,
for all of those affected near and far by such sadness and grief…
and this is for me…
to remember to hold with gentleness
the storm of emotions I feel with this news...
and as a reminder to take the time
to see the beauty
in every person
and being
I meet.