haiku my heart ~ Baggage
MARCH 30, 2012
Baggage... all of it,
heavy wait... this soul luggage.
Memories fly free...
Milt and I loved to travel...
It was one of the many things that we did well together and really enjoyed, setting off to places known and unknown. As I prepare for my first big trip over the pond without him at home holding down the fort, I decided it was time to let go of all our old luggage. Little did I know how difficult this would be... how this act of de-cluttering would stir up so many memories, taking me to another level of loss and letting go...
When I learned that I could donate this luggage to the [Living Room](http://www.thelivingroomsc.org/), our local shelter for battered women, an impossible task became possible
and I loaded it all up, ready to go...
but through a series of snafus...
it has taken me three days, unitl today, this Friday Haiku our heart day,
to get it all to its new home.
Three days of weighting...
and then...
all these pieces of baggage fly away free...
For more Friday haiku my heart
please visit Rebecca and other poets
at [recuerda mi corazon](http://corazon.typepad.com/recuerda_mi_corazon/2012/03/haiku-my-heart-1.html)