Haiku My Heart ~ Giving Thanks
NOVEMBER 24, 2017
**Thanksgiving is more**
**than a single day a year...**
**its a way of life**
Eleven, almost twelve, years ago...
I started a grateful journal.
It was a prompt from Oprah that said,
Keep a grateful journal.
Every night list five things that you are grateful for.
What it will do is change your perception of your day and your life."
All these years later, I know this to be true.
Oh, there have been days where I actually had to make stuff up,
or comment on the sky color...
but I've done it through happy times, death, loss,
fire, travel, all with or without my journal.
Writing it down is truly the best,
as it makes the body, mind and heart connection. And truly in my fashion,
I've come up with ways to make it simple for me, like writing down just five words to represent the things I'm grateful for. It looks something like this...
you ~ haiku ~ dance ~ friends ~ writing
each word has a story, tucked deep into my heart....
And these are all things I'm grateful for at the start of my day!
There will be so much more by tonight!
What, dear reader,
are you grateful for?
For more Friday haiku my heart
please visit Rebecca and other poets
at [recuerda mi corazon](http://corazon.typepad.com/)