Haiku My Heart ~ Gratitude
NOVEMBER 23, 2018
just five words today
sun moon stars friendship beauty
this is all I need
The month of November and Thanksgiving week
brings an extra awareness to giving thanks.
This is when I am all the more grateful
for my gratitude journal. For the past twelve years, every night,
I write down five things from the day
that I want to remember and that I am thankful for.
There have been difficult days, especially early on,
where I had to make things up…
Like blue sky, clouds, sunlight and starlight,
not knowing that someday… as in today,
these would become things that are scarce,
finding myself more grateful for them than ever before…
Doing this small thing that takes no time at all each evening,
truly changes your perspective.
If you would like to grow and change in ways
you never imagined,
give this practice a go.
For as Yoda says…
Do. Or do not. There is no try.
For more Friday haiku my heart
please visit Rebecca and other poets
at [recuerda mi corazon](http://corazon.typepad.com/)