Haiku My Heart ~ Last Leaves
DECEMBER 29, 2017
**The last leaves to fall...**
**are like days in this past year,**
**gone, not forgottenn...**
This past year challenged me to stay in the moment,
time and time again...
I am glad to let it go and take what I learned
into this new year to come.
If I were to wish for something for myself or for you in these days to come...
it is that we learn about the heart in more gentle ways,
with support from those we love
and even from those we don't yet know...
That we be open to differences,
listen a little bit more,
be curious about everything around us
and within us
and find beauty and wonder in the simplest of places...
For more Friday haiku my heart
please visit Rebecca and other poets
at [recuerda mi corazon](http://corazon.typepad.com/)