Haiku My Heart ~ Mountain Sun
NOVEMBER 10, 2017
**Mountain sun rises**
**this world begins a new day**
**I bow to this path**
This haiku my heart is dedicated to my Friday haiku circle
and the five and twelve men and women
who came together to initiate the [Ryzio Institute Retreat Center](https://ryzio.com/)
held at the beautiful [Rancho de los Caballeros](http://www.ranchodeloscaballeros.com/)
in Wickenberg, Arizona,
October 27th through November 4th, 2017
This and next week's Friday haiku my heart
is being hosted by our amazing Magical Mystical Teacher
for Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon who is adventuring in San Miguel de Allende.
So for more Friday haiku my heart
please visit MMT and other poets
[at Magical Mystical Teacher: Tales from a Sonoran Desert Classroom](https://www.blenza.com/linkies/links.php?owner=mmr0603&postid=10Nov2017)