Haiku My Heart ~ Take A Look Around...
SEPTEMBER 15, 2017
**Take a look around,**
**see life a bit differently...**
**choose a different lens**
Recently, a group of four women in my neighborhood,
on my same street actually,
took the initiative to make a difference in our community
by making inspirational quotes available
as sign-art for our yards.
It is so meaningful to watch them popping up all over our city!
Make your own inspirational sign with a favorite quote!
Or... you can contact them to purchase one directly
or have it shipped to you.
[Here is their Facebook Page.](https://www.facebook.com/BentonStreetImprovementAssociation)
[And their Webpage.](https://spark.adobe.com/page/cNaPdOOJxQS5D/?w=2_7445)
For more Friday haiku my heart
please visit Rebecca and other poets
at [recuerda mi corazon](http://corazon.typepad.com/)