haiku my heart ~ Treasures
APRIL 20, 2012
I am delighted to introduce you to artist Marit Barentsen of the Netherlands who shares her amazing art and writing through her blog and website [Marit's Blog](http://www.maritspaperworld.com/blog). Marit is "Editor In Chief" and is holding in her hands the newly published first edition art journaling and mixed media magazine that is now available through the [Featuring Magazine wesite](http://www.featuringmagazine.com/).
It is because of the beautiful interweaving circles of poets on haiku my heart Fridays that I met Marit. She asked me to contribute an article on labyrinths and I did! You will find my article, Stepping into the Labyrinth, within these pages...
And... in just two weeks from this Saturday...
I will have the opportunity to meet Marit in person at the Rotterdam Museum, Netherlands along with my dear friends [Jeff and Kimberly Saward](http://labyrinthosblog.net/2012/04/02/reborn-into-spring), as Jeff will be speaking on labyrinths during the TLS World Wide Labyrinth Day!
These interlocking circles are treasures indeed,
and it is a joy to share them with you!
For more Friday haiku my heart
please visit Rebecca and other poets
at [recuerda mi corazon](http://corazon.typepad.com/recuerda_mi_corazon/2012/04/haiku-my-heart-.html)