haiku my heart ~ Unicorn
AUGUST 10, 2012
Unicorn, it’s true…
between what is there and not,
You wait to be seen…
What, you might ask,
does a unicorn have in common with a labyrinth?
For those of you who have been visiting my blog,
you might notice that there are many posts here
that are not specifically about labyrinths.
But actually they have everything
to do with my explorations with the labyrinth
over the past twenty years.
Thus the name of my blog: Tales From the Labyrinth.
Unicorn looking over a labyrinth
My walking practice as well as studying
and making these amazing designs
has brought me to a deeper awareness of the world around me…
What appears to be a block in my life
transforms into a turn on my life path…
seeing things
from different view points…
Unicorn in the window of Fortnam & Mason
in London celebrating the Queen's Jubilee
noticing small things that I might normally miss
in my hurry and bustle through life…
like a child’s ball with unicorns on it
rolled up next to the cereal stand
in the center isle of Whole Foods Market…
What do you see
between what is there and not?
For more Friday haiku my heart
please visit Rebecca and other poets
at recuerda mi corazon