Hearts and Paint
JANUARY 16, 2008
New Note added below on the title change...
An unexpected treasure arrived today...
Today was the begin to paint the new counters day...
When I took a break to get our mail,
I found that a package had arrived from
Kara at **[Spiritdoll](http://spiritdoll.blogspot.com/)**...
and inside was this little heart seed
that she had made...
Isn't this little heart beautiful??
with a blush of green and pink
it beats right in synch with the trim of the counters...
and makes me so excited to begin to see what new
projects are just waiting to be brought into form
in my space reconfigured and expanded...
I'm so happy that this seed heart of creativity
came to bless my art-making space!!!
Thank you Kara!!!
Note: I thought I was going to make this entry a part of the Writers Island prompt for this week, "Treasure." For Kara's gift is indeed a treasure that I will long cherish. I waffled back and forth on whether to take the time to make the entry on the site and then decided to keep it simple and just post here. I am so behind on anything computer related. But... I forgot to change the title of this post! When I saw the prompt come through in my e-mail, I thought the ghost of Long John Silver had gotten into my blog!!! I said, treasure! Here! How did that happen. Turns out I'm the ghost... heeheheheheh