Inside Space
FEBRUARY 27, 2007
As Ulla and I prepare to complete our second lesson with Marilyn Radzat, I've been working on my piece to go inside the Faerie Bower. I have had the wonderful opportunity to work with embellishing a small sculpture that Marilyn created.
Creating this little fae was a wondrous experience...
It was amazing applying the color to the skin...
for it was as if I were
blowing breath into her...
and now,if my eyes were to go a
little bit soft,
I might actually see her breathing...
There is another piece that was wanting expression from me,
a feeling that I have for this inside space...
I decided to try with
the clay that I had on hand, and it was tricky. I am looking forward to
learning how to use polysculpt. With the too soft clay, the problems
with paint color, my fingers and excitement of what was emerging...
I gave her wings,
and her face, her face has seen time
and is lined and wrinkled...
Beneath her left hand, a baby unicorn...
In her right, outstretched hand,
she holds a pearl from a
that my grandmother gave me...
doesn't quite match what is in my mind, but she does express what is in
my heart and deepest desire. And that makes her and the unicorn all the
more precious to me.
Be gentle with her...
as she is a gift to me, to share with you...