Jamon~ From España to Our Kitchen
JANUARY 25, 2009
If... you are vegetarian... you may want to skip this post...
And if... like me, you are on the fence of vegetariansm, or a meat afficianado, or know my dear husband and his escapades.... please read on...
My husband, raised as a reformed Jew, says pork is his favorite meat... One of his favorite childhood memories is having a ham cooked by his mother, after the Friday night Shabat service...
So Spain was heaven for him...
Every Museo de Jamon was his equivalent to my finding an art supply store or unique clothing boutique...
So in love is he with the Spanish style of ham... that upon our return... an order to "[La Tienda](http://www.tienda.com/)" arrived and soon found its way into our kitchen...
and the ceremony of unpacking the jamon, commenced...
with great delight....
and anticipation...
as well as ideas for all sorts of recipes.... including....
the need for a stand for the jamon
which sparked a project in my husband's wood shop...
with his son...
creating their own "holder de jamon..."
even utilizing a "Gaudi inspired catenary" approach
to the end that held the joint...
or should I say, Olé...???
We had so much enjoyment from this gift of food...
And the truth for me is...
if I had to prepare my own meat from start to finish... i.e. from birth to death... I would be a
complete vegetarian... but for now, meat is still a staple in my
life... and I am grateful to the animals and farmers and butchers that
provide me with this form of sustenance that is so on the edge for me...