Jumping For Life
JANUARY 13, 2009
For a few months now...
I've had the urge to jump...
I've always been one to jump _into_ life,
give me something new to tackle,
something I'm NOT supposed to do,
or be able to do,
something that everyone around me says,
"why, you can't do that!"
Just watch me!!!!
But lately... that little voice has been saying...
"You need to add some cardio to your life Lea...
you've been weight training for two years now,
walking almost everyday...
it is time...
time to jump **_for_** life!!!"
So I listened...
and I'm jumping,
jumping in 30 second intervals as fast as I can...
then huffing and puffing around the yard in between
in record breaking warm weather for January...
With new shoes to support my joints,
I'm tapping back into this body-memory from my youth
when we jumped for hours, for days, every spare moment
jumped in fancy steps and rhymes...
I'm making new ones now...
I wonder...
if my shadow took over and jumped for me...
would that count???