Lucky Mojo Curio Co.'s Red Brick Labyrinth
MARCH 26, 2013
We searched the property for the right spot and settled upon what was once a deer enclosure. Ancient redwoods long gone, their roots and bowls encircle the open area that is now wooded by other large trees that have grown in their stead...
I brought my [Labyrinth To Go]( kit, so that we could lay out a tentative seven-circuit Classical labyrinth in rope to give an idea of what might be possible in the space. We were going to talk about possible materials, including using local Sonoma fields stone...
While looking at the rope labyrinth, as we adjusted it to fit the space and deciding where the entrance would be, Catherine told me a story. Many years ago she was at a faire and purchased a hand and machine stamped copper labyrinth. She placed it upon the headboard of her bed and every night before going to sleep, she traced the path and whispered her heart's desire... to find her true love...
That was when Nagasiva,
her husband, handed me a photo of this very labyrinth...
That was also about the time that Catherine turned to me and said, "I have all the old bricks from the foundation of my daughter's house that was damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Could we use those bricks for the lines of the labyrinth?"
Staff and interns began to bring the bricks to the site...
And the Red Brick Labyrinth began to appear...
Just two and a half hours after the end of our initial conversation, the lines of the labyrinth were complete. Over the next few weeks, Catherine will be able to walk the labyrinth and adjust the bricks here and there, making the curves just to her liking. Eventually the paths will be filled in with leaves and wood chippings from the property.
What a joy to be a part of the making
of this beautiful labyrinth
come to life!
The dedication and opening of this labyrinth will be during the Lucky Mojo Curio Co.'s May 4th & 5th Hoodoo Workshop weekend which just happens to coincide with the World Wide Labyrinth day on May 4th!