Mandalas & More Labyrinths!
JUNE 19, 2007
The threads go out from the center...
they weave and dance
in brilliant color,
in breath and stillness,
in the dance of a child's play
twirling in our hearts,
settling... in the
secret folds of memories,
where joy finds us,
again and again...
This is the week that I am also beginning to help my dear friend [Ulla]( and her family build their own labyrinth!
We went in search today for materials at the Wheeler Zamaroni quarry...
But first, the girls, Ulla's daughter Rowan and our dear friend Lucille's daughter Nash, ran the rope labyrinth in our front yard...
And then off we went... in search of rocks,
finding many...
with the girls climbing as fast as they could to the top...
But these rocks are little bigger than we have in mind...
and these rocks...
are just too bright!!!
But these rocks... may be just right...
and dear Ulla...
displays yet another contender for consideration...
The ones behind her!!!
Not the big ones to the right!!!
And even earlier this morning...
I smoothed the sand in our own back yard
in preparation for brick laying tomorrow...
and inside...
Milt and I continue with the puzzle sand-mandala... threads that lead to the center
and back out again...taking us on a journey...
a journey of discovery...