Mi Hijo ~ Mon Fils
OCTOBER 9, 2007
Eighteen years ago...
this sweet boy captured my heart...
Not having biological children of my own,
Orin became the son of my heart...
During all our travels to Mexico,
I began to call him "mi hijo"
which is Spanish for "my son."
And now... mi hijo has grown
into this fine and handsome young man...
and mi hijo...
has just moved to France...
So now...
mi hijo has become mon fils...
We gave him a going away party before he left...
with chocolate cake...
that had all the ingredients
for a good journey and new life...
and now...
we are off to visit him, and Paris, and Geneva, and Amsterdam, and Marseilles, and all the places in between...
I have to see where he works and is doing his doctorate research...
for it looks like something out of the movie Contact!!!
And I think...
he and I have to go shopping...
for his cupboards,
and bookshelves and walls...
are quite bare!!!!
So au revoir dear friends!!!
I will miss you so!
I know Bloglandia will be having a wonderful time while I'm away, so keep good care of each other, enjoy the bounty you all share, in so many different ways!!!