More Rocks Find Their New Home~
NOVEMBER 6, 2011
Early this past Saturday morning...
I met with Tasha Thomson
of C.J. Thomson Landscapes
and her wonderful crew~
Jesus, Rosa, and Juan...
As we continued to prep the site
and the back rock wall was being built,
Shane of our local Wheeler Zamaroni
made a delivery
of Sonoma field stone...
Juan began to unload those stones
and transport them over the bridge
to the labyrinth site...
Stone after stone...
the meanders
and spirals of Vicki's labyrinth
began to emerge...
By noon...
most of the stones were in place...
and before a deluge
of November afternoon rain,
the labyrinth was complete...
Stones nested amongst stones...
tucked into the vibrant earth
of this beautiful property,
awaiting the delight of
being enjoyed
by all who will walk and look
upon these meanders and spirals...
taking them to
the center place...
Where beauty unfolds
with every turn...
I want to acknowledge here, my long-time friend and labyrinth colleague Alex Champion. His beautiful geometric and labyrinth designs have greatly influenced me over the past twenty years... Like ripples in a pond when a pebble is dropped...