Mortar & Paper Work
AUGUST 1, 2007
Now what possibly could mortar and paperwork have in common???
Well you see... all I want to do is tap the dry mortar into the cracks of our labyrinth... it calls me... all waking hours and even in my dreams... I want to be in the sweetness of creating... watching the bricks change color, cleaning, adding, repairing, musing... I want to finish this part and plant the plants... I want to begin... all those other creative projects just waiting to burst from me!!!
But... the paperwork is piling up... bills need to be paid... things need to be filed... correspondences sent and answered... accounts reconciled... I love chaos when I create... but living in it day in and day out... just doesn't work for me... I know others can do so... I can not... it's like the oxygen gets thin... and I just can not breathe...
So... as I sit with my resistance to the paperwork... I realize that somewhere... there is an accountant, a mathematician, an actuary, a CEO, etc., terrified of picking up a watercolor brush, or sinking their hands into clay, or getting all dirty in the bricks and mortar of building a labyrinth...
So today... is about finding the satisfaction of balance and honoring the call of both the mortar and the paperwork... walking the path between the lines, or walking on the lines, finding my own way through the maze... and greeting the day with gratitude at having such contrasts to ignite me on!!!