Our Lady... One More Time...
JANUARY 15, 2009
Even though my sister's birth day was at the end of December... today was the first day we could get together... so "Our Lady" has been hanging beside my computer for these past few weeks... turns out that she wasn't quite finished... she needed just a little more attention... notice how the grotto of rocks became more real... she went to her new home today...
Happy Birth Day Mimí...
I love you...
_This lady..._
_watches over me..._
_sees me..._
_sees the needs and wants of my heart..._
_this yearning to be..._
_this undeniable search for truth..._
_this fierce burning in my heart_
_that has led me through fire..._
_through ice..._
_drowning in tears..._
_burying the shards of my old self in the rich and fertile earth..._
_This lady_
_watches me grow..._
_watches the vibrant green_
_spring from ashes long scattered to the four winds..._
_no longer a ghost..._
_reborn in this tangle of love,_
_this joy emerging that says yes,_
_one more time again..._