Phone Call Dreams...
JUNE 14, 2009
Life is indeed so full...
that I can't seem to get myself to the computer!
So many things to write about, show, some new learning curves to get to where I want, and that pull from outside... so I keep following the momentum and it isn't at the keyboard!!!!
I miss bloglandia...
so much so, that I'm dreaming of my blogging friends...
Last night I dreamed that I missed a phone call from [eb](!!!! The "can't reach you" message showed up on my (dream) computer screen... as I tried to call her back, I woke up...
I woke up, and instead of a complicated post...
here are a few lines and a picture of another of [Lucille's]( amazing creations sitting in my sweet mom's kitchen window...
Oh how these little guys so delight me!!! Peeking out at me from here and there!
Is there anything surprising you???
Have a great week and I will see you soon!!!