MAY 17, 2010
I painted rainbows
all day today...
read them,
remembered them,
saw them everywhere I looked,
despite the gray day
filled with rain
making you think it was the dead of Winter...
Then walking home...
I saw this rainbow of sorts
along the way,
our neighbor's yard
filled with lupine leaves
catching diamond
singing to the symphony
of flower
so sweet
I could
not resist snapping their picture
with my antiquated
cell phone....
Where I have to type
each letter slowly
like a typewriter of years gone by,
reminding me of a time
when things were slow...
and you had the time
to see rainbows
in unexpected
[For my Cosmic Cowgirl Girlfriends](http://www.cosmiccowgirls.mamamillionaire.com/cosmiccowgirlsinkwelcome.html)
and photo Monday