Sand & First Steps
APRIL 18, 2007
Remember that pile of sand...
Well we ended up needing another load,
just as big as this one!
So six yards of sand later...
our "labyrinth pool" is filled...
I couldn't have done this without my husband's help...
Tuesday night was the new moon of April...
It seemed fitting to have my first labyrinth walk
to celebrate this new beginning...
I plucked a blossom from this new azalea plant for
the labyrinth, fire red, and placed it in the new center...
Which just happens to point in the new direction
that we will be orienting our labyrinth...
with the Summer Solstice...
I walk that night... without any lines, just letting
the Santa Rosa pattern move me...
Milt manages to get a few pictures, above me walking...
below... tracing a heart in the heart space...
And the next day...
The sun blazes through the water
prepping the sand for the heavy roller...
Rays of sparkling delight blessing the new day
and my first steps in the labyrinth...