Sand & Water
APRIL 19, 2010
_I am thinking_
_of sand and water_
_and how this quiet descends_
_down and around me from all directions…_
_I’m thinking_
_of this ebb and flow,_
_this place of not knowing,_
_this immense and vast spaciousness inside me_
_that is moving_
_and still,_
_all at the same time…_
_I am thinking of you…_
_how you walked_
_through my dreams last night_
_and crossed the years_
_so that my fingers tremble a bit as I write_
_of this sometimes terrifying beauty_
_tumbling me over and over_
_like the waves taking my offering in the sand,_
_taking my footprints,_
_taking my facade,_
_showing me the one inside,_
_where I fall in love again and again_
_as I stumble_
_down this well worn path_
_that has never seen the light of day…_
_I am thinking_
_that this whisper of a prayer is enough…_
_this sand and water slipping through my fingers..._
_my song to this moment…_
_opening to this morning discovery,_
_this window into life…_
The inspiration for this poem came this morning when I found these beautiful ©pictures from labyrinther Denny Dyke of of [Sacred Journeys]( in my inbox. Denny created this beautiful Santa Rosa Labyrinth in the sand on the Pacific Coast. Denny calls them... "Circles in the Sand."