Second Holy Night 2007 ~ Desire & Fulfillment
DECEMBER 26, 2007
_Desire and Fulfillment_
_in and out of the ballroom,_
_in and out of the light_
_of the full December moon_
_and carry me more fully_
_into this place of knowing_
_the way home…_
_is my true compass north…_
_With every yearning,_
_with every wish,_
_I discover where my heart is leading me…_
_Fulfillment comes_
_when I drink deeply of what is,_
_turning into the river of life,_
_allowing past desires that have come into fruition_
_to be enjoyed,_
_brought close to my heart_
_in an ever widening awareness_
_of the abundance_
_that is always_
_in the palm of my hand…_
_Each fulfillment_
_births a desire,_
_each desire grows fulfillment,_
_and the garden is full of fragrant flowers_
_that bloom,_
_even in Winter…_
**[Second Holy Night of Inner Christmas](**
with Lynn Jericho
**[Lynn's Blog on the Twelve Holy Nights of Inner Christmas](**
Today marks my one year anniversary of blogging!!! Thank you everyone who comes and visits, seen and unseen! I love receiving your comments, and if you just visit with no words left behind, why, that fills my heart as well! I am so grateful for all these weavings of connections, bringing us around the world together... it is a gift beyond measure...