Sixth Holy Night 2007 ~ Warming and Cooling
DECEMBER 30, 2007
_This morning..._
_in my **[dance practice](**_
_I noticed how I move in and out_
_of warming and cooling..._
_Emotions flare, flame, and ignite..._
_as I move my body,_
_following my breath,_
_a cooling happens_
_and the fire of my passion_
_begins to meld into the shape of my feet,_
_my hands_
_and the beat of my heart..._
_And then..._
_the music changes..._
_I am frozen,_
_nothing moves in this land of ice..._
_I reach for the next breath_
_and the heat of my heart_
_begins a slow thaw..._
_a warming_
_as muscle fibers stretch_
_and begin to twirl,_
_and cascade into a melting steam_
_of self and other_
_moving as one..._
_we begin again..._
**[Sixth Holy Night of Inner Christmas](**
with Lynn Jericho
Lynn's Blog on the Twelve Holy Nights of Inner Christmas
Photo: beginning art piece of warming and cooling... watercolor, sea salt, acrylic, and pearlescence, so far...