Thankful... More Than A Day
NOVEMBER 21, 2007
Every night before I go to sleep, I write down five things from the day that I am grateful for... There have been days when to do this has been a stretch beyond stretching... but instead of not, I would struggle to find just five words that I could give thanks for... over the years, this practice has changed my life and become very important to me.
Are you ready for a change? If the answer is yes, try this and see what happens over a little bit of time. Just five words each night before you go to sleep.
I've a long way to go today before sleep, a date with my husband to see the new Bob Dylan movie, "I'm Not There," some art that has been begging for my attention, and many other odds and ends, but if I were to log those five words in my bedside journal right now they would read...
**_1) _**The **_beauty_** of this Fall day...
2) Having this medium of **_connection_** with so many people around the world, like you!
3) My husband's **_humor,_** which gets me out of so many dark moods...
4) **_Bonnie_** at E Studio...
5) My friends & family~especially right now my dear Aunt Rosina who gave me those **_turkey-candle-holders..._**
See? It is pretty simple!
Happy Day of Thanks my dear friends where ever you live. I am thankful for you and the many ways you make a difference in my life, and in the lives of those around you...
Photo: Turkey candle holders in the heart space of our labyrinth.