The Enchanted Tree Begins...
JUNE 4, 2007
Our fifth and final class in the First Key to the Enchanted Door series with [Marilyn Radzat]( through [That Creative Place]( has begun...
And so... I've begun gathering my bits and pieces... which has come to be one of my most favorite parts of creating this type of art. I start a basket and just begin filling it with colors, pearls, glass tiles, objects, paper that matches my internal nudging of what I might create...
I love ordering mirrored tiles from [Mosaics By Maria]( every package comes gift wrapped with a hand written thank you note!
It's just like Christmas!!!
I found this piece of wood, which is really meant for reptiles to crawl over and through!!!! made from a grape vine, that will blend into the roots of my enchanted tree...
The gourd was grown by my friend, Judith Bernstein... she gave me a bag full when she found what I've been up to with my art projects!!!
Won't this be fun to watch what emerges in the four final lessons to come!!!