The First Holy Night
DECEMBER 27, 2006
The first "Soul Quality" that Lynn Jericho invites us to contemplate is Receptivity.
And the question to ask is: "I wonder at..."
I write...
_I wonder at_
_this night of time out of time..._
_Where I receive the gifts of the dark night,_
_the light born_
_in this place of wonder,_
_wonder at the miracle of life,_
_wonder at my breath_
_moving in and out,_
_settling into the beat of my heart,_
_wonder at the mystery_
_I've been given,_
_this unknown path that unfolds before me,_
_wonder at my curiosity,_
_my joy of having experienced so much,_
_of loving, grieving, and finding more room_
_to love even more..._
_I wonder at where I am going,_
_for the miracles and joy that come with time,_
_time out of time,_
_in the darkness of this night,_
_where light is born..._
© Lea Goode-Harris
December 25, 2006