The Fourth Holy Night
DECEMBER 28, 2006
The fourth "Soul Quality" that Lynn Jericho invites us to contemplate is Nobility.
Lynn writes, "Tonight find your soul's nobility. What aspect of your being is so rich in talent that it declares you capable of providing superior benefit to others? Nobility of soul does not entitle you to benefits denied others. Where does your cup runneth over? Where do you offer drink to quench the thirst of others' souls?"
I write...
_I love to reframe,_
_to take any situation_
_and find new ways to weave the story,_
_finding the threads of energy_
_and putting them together_
_in new ways,_
_kind of like writing poetry,_
_which I need_
_like I need air and water..._
_I love to move energy,_
_arranging space and time_
_like plants in my garden,_
_like spices in the kitchen,_
_or the way the candle sits at our dinner table..._
_I love looking for opposites_
_and finding how they come together,_
_making something new of their polarities_
_which are the needed ingredients_
_for life beginning, forming,_
_coming together anew..._
_I love my heart beating_
_and seeing the beauty in all things,_
_especially in others,_
_and when I look in the mirror..._
© Lea Goode-Harris
December 28th, 2006