The Key ~ Writers Island
SEPTEMBER 24, 2007
_oh key,_
_what can I say here..._
_the muse is silent,_
_she sits behind my eyelids_
_and the tapping of my keyboard_
_wakes her_
_to brush aside stories_
_of locks and keys,_
_of anvil and alchemy,_
_of smythes sweating in fires_
_deep within the earth..._
_of time rusting and long forgotten treasures horded..._
_of Kings and Queens,_
_of treachery and greed,_
_of beginnings and endings of empires_
_and loves lost and stolen..._
_and this key in my path..._
_begs me to fit it into the one_
_dark and secret place it belongs..._
_turning at last,_
_this whisper of longing..._
© "The Key" for [Writers Island]( 2007
Photo: Key found along the path in the labyrinth,
deep within the ocean...
a gift from [Marilyn Radzat, Gail Lackey, & Patricia Ebert](