"The Moment" ~ Writers Island
DECEMBER 10, 2007
There are so many moments I could write about...
The moment I saw my baby sister for the first time...
The moment of my first kiss...
The moment I took my first of many breaths under water...
The moment before I leaped over the chasm with the waves crashing below me on jagged, jagged rock...
The moment I decided to step into the labyrinth...
The moment we decided to get married... and did...
The moment I stood in the 800 year-old air-hanger-sized cathedral attic of the Chartres Cathedral in Chartres, France and looked down through the boss hole to the labyrinth, hundreds of feet below...
The moment when the Santa Rosa Labyrinth design came through me... I will never forget that feeling of curiosity... of wonder... and excitement of discovery that led me to that very moment of opening to something so much bigger than my conscious self...
The moment I discovered that my whole world could change with just a thought...
And one of my most favorite moments of the entire year is almost here... when I awake on December 25th and the freeway and city and my whole world is quiet for a few precious moments...
© 2007 "The Moment" ~ For [Writers Island](http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a0ca0df914e6beb5f43d271/5b6e1f401c8655a69cf9259c/5b6e24a11c8655a69cf9da5e/1533944993062/?format=original)
Photo: Fossilized Nautilus shell from the Seaton Labyrinth, East Devon, England.