The Santa Rosa Labyrinth ~ Twelve Years
MARCH 15, 2009
_Twelve years today…_
_you've walked me…_
_inviting me to wake with every step…_
_gracing the turns in my life,_
_showing me the way through obstacles_
_and dead ends…_
_I love your elegance_
_your back and forth movement_
_when I can not move,_
_frozen in thoughts untrue…_
_You call my name…_
_whispering the secrets of my heart_
_where I hear them first_
_and wear them later_
_this cloth of being me…_
_This day remembered in paper,_
_in sand and stone,_
_and in the beauty of others making you their own…_
_the children of your children_
_spiraling in and out of time_
_stepping right here_
_where the door is open,_
_this joyful song,_
_this path into life…_
Happy Birth Day!!!
Photo: Miniature Santa Rosa finger labyrinth by my dear ladies at [iSpiritual.](