The Second Holy Night
DECEMBER 27, 2006
The second "Soul Quality" that Lynn Jericho invites us to contemplate is Generosity.
Building on last night's theme of receptivity, we are asked the
question: "What have you received in the last year that has
metamorphosed into something only you can give?"
I write...
_I have been given much_
_this past year..._
_Change has draped my shoulders_
_and the mists of time have come full circle,_
_grief, crushed like grapes,_
_loss, like emptying a vat of fine wine,_
_released into my fullness_
_even as my well runs dry,_
_only to be replenished_
_with the sounds of soul,_
_paint and pen_
_filling me with joy,_
_wonder, and curiosity_
_setting me free,_
_clothing me in the light_
_of my becoming..._
© Lea Goode-Harris
December 26th, 2006