The Seventh Holy Night
JANUARY 1, 2007
The seventh "Soul Quality" that Lynn Jericho invites us to contemplate is Luminosity.
Lynn writes, "What in your soul is transitory and evolving? What is eternal?"
Luminosity glows at the heart of our Santa Rosa Labyrinth in the dark of the December-January night.
I write...
_My heart is eternal,_
_my love,_
_my connection to Source..._
_My ideas, dreams, desires,_
_they are ever changing,_
_adapting, recreating,_
_finding the chink in the armor,_
_the crack in the door,_
_the way between worlds..._
_Possibilities are eternal,_
_my dance tells me so,_
_my imagination sets free all limitations,_
_form becomes formless,_
_essence becomes spirit,_
_and spirit,_
_spirit becomes form,_
_waking to these words ,_
_a fleeting moment,_
_eternal in their shape and sound..._
© Lea Goode-Harris
December 31th, 2006